RoboDaemon 11 Documentation

RD10 Variables



A vector containing the following sub-variables listed below. These represent default values for the robot vector when creating a new robot. The values containing an underscore are read-only and may not be available on all types of robots.



This variable toggles the display of the robot name in the interface.


STRING prompt#

The prompt string used by the shell.

"set prompt#" by itself returns the current prompt (enclosed in double quotes.)
'set prompt# "new_prompt_string"' Sets prompt# to new_prompt_string.



This is the path in the filesystem where RD10 will attempt to create a lock file for the creation of a real robot.


DOUBLE safeDist

This value denotes the closest distance (in cm) the robot can be from an object. (Measured beyond the radius of the robot.) NOTE: this distance is overridden by BLIND_DIST- a minimum on how close an object can be and still be detected. BLIND_DIST has a compiled-in value of 2.0. safeDist has a default value of 10.0.
"set safeDist" returns the current value of safeDist.
"set safeDist val" sets safeDist to val


STRING saveFileName

This string represents the default filename for saving or loading RD10 data (it is semantically equivalent to the variable defaultSaveFileName in the RD10 source code). The reader should note that the commands "load filename" and "save filename" have the side-effect of setting saveFileName to filename. The commands "load" and "save" alone will use the current value of saveFileName as the input or output filename. The default value of saveFileName is "/local/mrl/tmp/", unless you're using the standalone version, in which case it's "/local-data/home/rd10/tmp/".
"set saveFileName" returns the current value of saveFileName.
"set saveFileName filename" sets the current value of saveFileName to filename.


INT simRealTime

This boolean value denotes whether or not RD10 is in real-time mode. Real time mode allows for motion at a particular speed, and asynchronous execution of commands (I think, but asynchronous execution does not appear to work from the shell.) Real time mode is on by default. Turning real time mode off causes commands to be executed and completed instantaneously, in sequence.
"set simRealTime" returns the current value of simRealTime
"set simRealTime off" turns simRealTime off.
"set simRealTime on" turns simRealTime on.


INT simSimpleSonar

This boolean value denotes whether simple sonar simulation is on or off. Simple sonar simulation does not take into account multiple reflections and wall end diffraction. The default value is "on".

"set simSimpleSonar" returns the current value of simSimpleSonar(1=on, 0=off)
"set simSimpleSonar on" turns simple sonar simulation on.
"set simSimpleSonar off" turns simple sonar simulation off (turning realistic simulation on instead).


DOUBLE simTimeSpeedup

simTimeSpeedup allows the user to scale the passage of simulator time (within the bounds of computational power, I suppose). The default value of 1.0 causes simulator time to pass at the same rate as real time. Values > 1.0 cause simulator time to pass faster than real time (the robots will move faster), whereas values <1.0 will cause simulator time to pass slower than real time.

"set simTimeSpeedup" returns the current value of simTimeSpeedup
"set simTimeSpeedup val" sets the current value of simTimeSpeedup to val.


Sonar Simulation

The variables below correspond to features of the non-simple sonar mode:



All sonar measurements greater than this threshold are discarded.


DOUBLE speedOfSound

speedOfSound represents the speed of sound for sonar computation USING THE REAL RWI ONLY. I'm not sure why, but the Nomad and Rwi simulators use a hard-coded SPEEDOFSOUND value of 34e3 cm/s. (Possibly a bug?) The default speedOfSound value is 331.5 m/s. I don't know why this value is different from SPEEDOFSOUND. According to Thierry, this is a bug which should be fixed.

"set speedOfSound" returns the current value of speedOfSound.
"set speedOfSound val" sets speedOfSound to val



The amount of thread debugging information printed corresponds to this value. Higher means more text.