RoboDaemon 11 Documentation



Hey guys,


In order to capitalize fully over the recent trend of releasing unfinished products on an unsuspecting public (ie Mozilla), allow me to introduce JRD10 (read jar-dee-ten (already this has the makings of a great software product- let the debate rage over the correct enunciation)). JRD10 is a java API for RD10. It's based loosely on libRD10 and Eric's RD10 perl module. You'll be able to write java apps that talk to RD10 over the network, and even applets that connect to RD10 on the applet host (a proxy is in the works for making network connects outside the sandbox.)


Anyways, I've put the source and docs in CVS. Just 'cvs checkout JRD10'. This is very much code under development. I put it into CVS in the hopes that someone will help me with the following todo list. I know that at least Scott has already tinkered with it. If you check it out and identify and correct any bugs, or make updates, please remember to 'cvs commit' it. Also remember that if you add any files to 'cvs add' them. One of the things on the TODO list, which I'll drop into the JRD10/doc directory, is to add java rules and templates to the mrl make structure, so we can just run 'make install'. btw, if you check it out, first read the Makefile to see what's in there, then start with


Enjoy, and remember, it's spelled RD10, but it's pronounced Robodaemon.


TODO: in no particular order.



This letter by Rob Sim