Graphical State Space Programming (GSSP) Tutorials
Home -> GSSP Tutorials -> Chapter 1 Installation

Chapter 1 Installation


GSSP has only been tested on Ubuntu (10.04 and newer), so it is recommended that you run GSSP on Ubuntu. However, since GSSP is implemented purely in Python, it may be possible to run GSSP on other platforms.

GSSP requires Python 2.6, and the Tkinter library.

Ubuntu comes with Python by default. If you need to install Python, please refer to Ubuntu documentation.

To install the required libraries on Ubuntu, run the following command:

sudo apt-get install python-tk

Downloading GSSP

GSSP can be downloaded from the GSSP home page.

Running GSSP

Extract the downloaded archive. Open a terminal and cd into the extracted directory. You should see the file Run the following command:


You should see the following windows.