SADB-Client  0.99
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NanoTimer Class Reference

Public Member Functions

void Start (void)
 Start the timer.
long Stop (void)
void Print (void)
 Prints the number of nanoseconds elapsed since the timer was started.
void PrintInverse (void)
 Prints the inverse (1/x) of number of nanoseconds elapsed since the timer was started, good to measure frequencies.
void WaitUntil (long time)

Member Function Documentation

long NanoTimer::Stop ( void  )

Returns the number of nanoseconds elapsed since the timer was started

void NanoTimer::WaitUntil ( long  time)

Prints the inverse (1/x) of number of nanoseconds elapsed since the timer was started, good to measure frequencies

timeWait until this amount of time has elapsed since styarting the timer

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