Mechanics of Robotic Systems

K.N. Toosi University of Technology



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Course Contents








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Course Offered @

McGill University

Course Name:

Mechanics of Robotic Systems

Course No.

MECH 573


Dr. Hamid D. Taghirad


Winter 2006

Room and Time:

TR 11:35-12:55 ENGTR 1090

Office Hours:

Tuesdays: 14:00:15:00: McConnell 423

In this course the kinematics, dynamics analysis and control of robot manipulators is studied in detail. A review of kinematics analysis of serial manipulators, which is detailed in the prerequisite course MECH 572: Introduction to Robotics is presented here with an addition topic of screw and wrench representations. The main emphasis of the course is the mechanics of complex structured robots such as parallel manipulators. Comprehensive kinematics and dynamic analysis of parallel manipulators is presented, and the control topologies for these robots are described. In a comprehensive design project the students learn how to analyze the kinematics and dynamics of a planar parallel manipulator.

The tentative course contents are as following.


 Teaching Contents

Week 1:

Introduction: Kinematic chains, Grubler criterion, loop mobility criterion, robot classifications, description of position and orientation, screw-axis representation, Euler angle representations.

Week 2:

Kinematics: Review on position analysis of serial manipulators, Denavit Hartenberg convention, loop closure equations, kinematic analysis or 3R manipulator, successive screws, Elbow robot.

Week 3, 4:

Kinematics: Inverse Kinematics of General 6R manipulator. (By Jorge Angeles)

Week 5:

Kinematics: Kinematics analysis of parallel manipulators, vector loop equations, 3RRR manipulator, spatial orientation manipulator and Stewart Gough manipulator.

Week 6:

Jacobian:  Angular and linear velocity, Jacobian matrices, Singularity conditions, conventional Jacobians, 3RRR manipulator, spatial orientation manipulator and Stewart Gough manipulator, Screw-based Jacobians.

Week 7:

Stiffness: Force-moment relations, principle of virtual work, 3RRR manipulator, stiffness analysis of parallel manipulators, stiffness analysis of Stewart-Gough platform.


Midterm Exam

Week 8:

Dynamics: Dynamics analysis of parallel manipulators, Newton-Euler formulation, dynamic analysis of Stewart-Gough platform.

Week 9:

Dynamics:  dynamics analysis of parallel manipulators, Principle of virtual work, Lagrange formulation, dynamic analysis of CKCM Robot.

Week 10:

Control: Introduction to control of parallel manipulators, position control topologies, inverse dynamics control.

Week 11:

Control: Robust inverse dynamics control, Force control topologies stiffness control.

Week 12:

Control: Force control topologies: Direct force control,  impedance control.


Lung-Wen Tsai, “Robot analysis: the mechanics of serial and parallel manipulators”, New York, Wiley, 1999. (Available at Bookstore)


Jorge Angeles, “Fundamentals of robotic mechanical systems: theory, methods, and algorithms”, New York, Springer, third edition 2006. (A printed version can be purchased from Irene)


M. W. Spong, S. Hutchinson, M. Vidyasagar, “Robot Modeling and Control”, New York, Wiley, November 2005.


L. Sciavicco, B. Siciliano, “Modelling and Control of Robot Manipulators” , Springer Verlag
2nd ed. 2001


J.P. Merlet, “Parallel robots”, Boston, MA : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.


Carl Crane, “Screw theory for spatial robot manipulators”, Cambridge, Oxford, 2005.


John J. Craig, “Introduction to robotics: mechanics and control”, Mass., Addison-Wesley, 1989.


Frank Lewis, “Robot manipulator control : theory and practice”, New York : Marcel Dekker, 2004.


Selected papers.

Assignments (pdf)

Projects (pdf)

Exams (pdf)

Assignment 1

 Solution 1

 Part 1


 Midterm 2006,

Assignment 2

 Solution 2

 Part 2

 Solution, Programs

 Midterm Solution

Assignment 3

 Solution 3, Prog3

 Part 3

 Solution, Programs


Assignment 4

 Solution 4




Assignment 5

 Solution 5




Assignment 6

 Solution 6



  Final Scores

 Introductory Lecture

 Course Notes:


 Chapter 5: Lagrange formulation


 Chapter 5: Properties of dynamic components


 Chapter 6: Lyapunov analysis, and position control


 Chapter 6: Position control: IDC


 Chapter 6: Force control


 Chapter 6: Impedance control








Serial Manipulators

 Adept SCARA, Articulated, Fanuc, Fanuc articulated, Kawasaki, Kuka, Panasonic, Staubli

Parallel Manipulators

 CAE Flight simulator, SGP, SGP schematic






Video clips



Assembly line, Assembly HDD, Painting, Packaging, Pick and Place, Surgery, Spot welding, Seam Welding

Parallel Robots

SGP in motion, Hexa Plane, Hexa Peg-in-hole, 6DOF SB, Agile eye,

Robotic Hands

Rolling Can, Light Bulb, Twiddles,



ARAS ROBOSIM: A graphical simulator developed to derive the dynamical equation of the system and to show the robot motion graphically in 3D.



Robotics Toolbox of Matlab: Mathworks Matlab

OpenSim a 3D simulator for autonomous robots

MobotSim: Mobile Robot Simulator

A Collection of Modelling and Simulation Resources on the Internet





Nguyen, C.C., Pooran, F.J., Dynamic analysis of a 6 DOF CKCM robot end-effector for dual-arm telerobot systems. Source: Robotics and Autonomous Systems, v 5, n 4, Dec. 1989, p 377-94.


Lebret, G.; Liu, K.; Lewis, F.L., Dynamic analysis and control of a Stewart platform manipulator, Journal of Robotic Systems, v 10, n 5, July 1993, p 629-55.






Chiacchio, P.; Pierrot, F.; Sciavicco, L.; Siciliano, B.,


Bobrow, Dubowsky and Gibson, Time-optimal control of robotic manipulators along specified paths, International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol 4, No. 3, pp 3-17, 1985.


.J. E. Slotine, The robust control of robot manipulators, International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol 4, No. 2, pp 49-64, 1985.


M. Khalkhali and H.D. Taghirad, Impedance control of a flight simulator yoke, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, May 1999, Isfahan.


H.D. Taghirad and M.A. Khosravi, Stability analysis and robust PID design for flexible joint manipulators, Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Robotics, Vol 1, pp 144-149, May 2000, Montreal, Canada.


H.D. Taghirad and GH. Bakhshi, Composite-H∞ Controller Synthesis for Flexible Joint Robots, Submitted to the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 2002.


H.D. Taghirad and M.A. Khosravi, Stability analysis and robust composite controller synthesis for flexible joint robots, submitted to the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 2002.




Robotics Related Sites of Interest

UC Berkeley Robotic site

UCS Robotics Labratory

Robotics Internet Resources Page

MIT AI lab:

Mobile Robotics Group, Robot Hands, Cognitive Robotics, Leg Laboratory.

Carnegie Melon Robotics Institue

McGIll Center for Intelligent Machines

Robotics Industries Accociation

University of southern california Robotics center

AIRVL University of Minnesota

Milind Tambe's Hompage - Multi-Agents, Teamwork, Agent modeling,
Plan recognition, Intelligent Agents.

Aerospace Robotics Laboratory - Stanford University



Robotics movies

Robotics FAQ

True Force

Robotics Books


Robot Competitions links








Copyright © Dr. Hamid D. Taghirad

McGill University

Last Updated Friday March 31, 2006