Philip Hall Basis Constructor 7.III.2001 INFORMATION FILES phbc.m - main file orderpos.m - function file, see description within the file. DESCRIPTION This program takes two inputs. m: the number of generators X1 ... Xm k: the degree of the 'deepest' Lie bracket to be generated. A system is said to be nilpotent of order k, if all the Lie brackets of length greater than k are zero. The length of a Lie bracket is the number of generators involved in its expansion. We say that a Lie bracket is 'deeper' than another if its length is greater. The length of a Lie product can be recursively defined as: l(Xi)=1; i=1,..., m. l([A,B])=l(A)+l(B) where A, B are Lie products themselves. A Philip Hall basis is an ordered set of Lie brackets or products denoted by B={B1 B2 ... Bi ...} satisfying: 1. Xi belong to B, i=1,..., m 2. If l(Bi) Bj=Xk for some k. or -> Bj=[Bp, Bq] with Bp, Bq belonging to B and Bp <= Bi. The procedure to build B, in practice only needs condition 3 to be checked, since the 1, must be assumed true for all initial generators and 2 is satisfied by performing the multiplications in an orderly manner, as briefly described below. This description was adapted from the book: A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation. Richard M. Murray, Zexiang Li, S. Shankar Sastry. CRC Press 1994. pp. 344-345. The reader is referred to references therein for further details. SOME DETAILS OF THHIS IMPLEMENTATION The bracketing procedure can be though of as a breeding process. We must distinguish between to groups per "breeding" iteration, the offspring and the parents. On the first iteration the generators are treated as offspring and are crossed between them. On the second iteration, the offspring are called parents, and their offspring are the new offspring. Parents are crossed only with their offspring and not between them, since this happened in the previous iteration. Offspring are crossed between them. All the newborns are now called offspring and the ones that were offspring are now in the group of parents. And life goes on... Offspring cross between each other in the following way. A B C \ | \ \ AB AC BC Note that the BC, CA and BA are not valid offspring since they violate rule 2, assuming the order is A, B, C. Now we have two groups parents are {A, B, C} and offspring {AB, AC, BC}. Offspring will reproduce again as described above. but also they'll be crossed with their parents, all parents with all offspring. In the following way: A+AB A+AC A+BC B+AB B+AC B+BC C+AB C+AC C+BC Some off them must be eliminated by rule 3, namely A+BC. The program actually uses numbers to identify all the generators, so X1 is simply called 1, X2 is 2 and so on. And [X1,X2] is written as [1.2]. In the vector x. The program can be modified to use ',' instead of '.', simply by replacing every occurrence of '.' by ','. I use '.' merely for aesthetical reasons, however I agree there is no accounting for taste. ;) Feel free to use/modify/hack this program. If you find any bug, I'd appreciate you let me know. Miguel Torres-Torriti Systems & Control Group McGill University