International Federation for Robotics Research

IEEE-RAS/IFRR School of Robotics Science on
H a p t i c I n t e r a c t i o n

Robotics and Automation Society

Activities at the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA) / LIST
(transport by bus)

Demonstrations of Immersive VR technologies:


Claude Andriot: Virtual Prototyping with Force Feedback for the Automotive & Aerospace Industries

Xavier Merlhiot: 6D haptic rendering: multi contacts, friction, concavities, and other cases

Floriant Gosselin: Optimization of haptic interfaces : problems, methods and applications

Moustapha Hafez: Tactile feedback : technology, applications and challenges

Commissariat a l'energie atomique

Commissariat a l'energie atomique
Pont Napoleon III Portrait de la Joconde