Summer School on Haptic
- BARK, Karlin, Center for Design Research, Stanford University, USA
- BONANNI, Ugo, MIRALab, University of Geneva, Switzerland
- BORGHESAN, Gianni, DEIS, University of Bologna, Italy
- CAZOTTES, Paul, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
- CHRISTIANSSON, Goran, Delft Biorobotics Laboratory, the Netherlands
- de PASCALE, Maurizio, University of Siena, Siena, Italy
- GALVAN, Stefano, Departement of Computer Science, Univ. Verona, Italy
- GOETHALS, Pauwel, PMA, K. U. Leuven, Belgium
- GROTEN, Raphaela, Inst. Automatic Control Engineering, TU Munich, Germany
- HART, John Scot, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, USA
- HOEVER, Raphael, Computer Vision Laboratory, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
- JIANG, Li, Center for Design Research, Stanford University, USA
- KREMER, Philipp, Inst. Robotics and Mechatronics, DLR. Wessling, Germany
- KREML, Stephanie, Mech. Eng. and Materials Science, Rice University, USA
- KUCHENBECKER, Katherine J., Dept. Mech Eng., Johns Hopkins University, USA
- LEE, Ruben Armstrong, Biomed. Eng., Delft Univ. Technology, the Netherlands
- LOZADA, Jose, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
- LUM, Mitchell, Dept. of Electr. Eng., BioRobotics Lab, Univ. Washington, USA
- MARTINOT, Francois, Universite de Lille, Lille, France
- MENDEZ-IGLESIAS, Jorge, Centrde Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados, Mexico
- MILLET, Guillaume, Laboratoire de Robotique de Paris, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France
- MOUSTAKAS, Konstantinos, Informatics & Telematics Inst., Thessaloniki, Greece
- NAKATANI, Masashi, Dept. of Information Physics and Computing, Univ. of Tokyo
- NOONAN, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK
- PANEELS, Sabrina, University of Kent, UK
- PEER, Angelika, Inst. Automatic Control Engineering, TU Munchen, Germany
- PERSICHETTI, Alessandro, ARTS Lab. of Scuola Sup. Sant'Anna in Pontedera, Italy
- PIROZZI, Salvatore, Dipart. Ing. dell'Inform., Seconda Univ. degli Studi di Napoli, Italy
- POWERS, Marilyn, MPB Technologies Inc., Pointe-Claire, Canada
- ROA GARZON, Maximo, Advanced Aut. and Rob., Tech. University of Catalunya, Spain
- SEDEF, Mert, Robotics & Mechatronics Laboratory, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey
- SEN, Soumen, Interdepartmental Research Center E Piaggo, Univ. of Pisa. Italy
- SUN, Yu , Computer Science, University of Utah, USA
- YAMAMOTO, Tomonori , Dept. Mech Eng., Johns Hopkins University, USA