Reversing Voice-Related Biases Through Haptic Reinforcement

Feras Al Taha,,
Pascal E. Fortin,,
Antoine Weill--Dufflos,,

Supervised by Jeremy Cooperstock

Photos from Unsplash.


Project Description

Biased perceptions of others are known to negatively influence the outcomes of social and professional interactions in many regards. Theses biases can be informed by a multitude of non-verbal cues such as voice pitch and voice volume. This project explores how haptic effects, generated from speech, could attenuate listeners' perceived voice-related biases formed from a speaker's voice pitch. Promising preliminary results collected during a decision-making task suggest that the speech to haptic mapping and vibration delivery mechanism employed does attenuate voice-related biases. Accordingly, it is anticipated that such a system could be introduced in the workplace to equalize people's contribution opportunities and to create a more inclusive environment by reversing voice-related biases.



Weill-Duflos, A., Al-Taha, F., Fortin, P., & Cooperstock, J. R. (2019). BarryWhaptics: Towards Countering Social Biases Using Real-Time Haptic Enhancement of Voice. In World Haptics Conference, Tokyo, Japan, June 2019.

Al Taha, F., Fortin, P. E., Weill--Duflos, A., & Cooperstock, J. (2018). Reversing Voice-Related Biases Through Haptic Reinforcement. In UIST 2018 - Adjunct Publication of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology Adjunct Proceedings - UIST ’18 Adjunct (pp. 60–62). New York, New York, USA: ACM Press.

Last updated: November 5, 2018