My office, the mobile robotics lab, and the Center for Intelligent Machines are on the 4th floor of the McConnell Engineering building (not the similar-sounding McDonald building). The School of Computer Science is mainly on the 3rd floor.
The building is at the East edge of the main campus, a city block North of the main entrance (the Roddick Gates), at the corner of MILTON and UNIVERSITY/BOURASSA streets. McGill is North of Sherbrooke Street and West of University Street. Note that the name of University street was changed to "Robert Bousassa", not to be confused with a different Bourassa street elsewhere in the city.
Sherbrooke is Montreal's main East-West Street. University is a major downtown North-South cross street.
The closest subway (metro) station is the McGill stop. The University is about 3 blocks North of the metro stop.
The list of links below should provide additional information on getting to us and seeing the city.
What to do in Montreal. A helpful guide to restaurants to hotels, bars to museums, etc.
Montreal's Offical Tourist Information