This page is a collection is miscellaneous observations, put here in recompense for the many times I have been looking for information of a product or idea, and found it in somebody else's pages.

This page is acknowledged to be non-scientific, non-pretty and highly informal.

Helpers in OS X Safari

I was wondering how to configure a helper application in Safari. This is for use with Zope External Editor, but can be used of other mime type depending tasks. The solution is a tool called More internet.

subversion (snv) locale

Several people on the net have had problms installing subversion due to an error of the form: "error: cannot set LC ALL locale". In general, this svn installation error can be fixed using the comment setenv LC_ALL C to use the (portable) POSIX locale (this is for the csh/tcsh shell family, otherwise use export LC_ALL=C). I believe you also need this setting whenever svn is invoked. You may also have to insert the line export LC_ALL=C as the second line of the file subversion/svnversion/svnversion for installation.

Free download service

A web site where you can post files free for public access.


I have a spare Equinox CP16-DB connector panel on hand, and I would be willing to let it go to any interested party for a very reasonable price. Mail me at


I have created a binary of gpsd built for the MIPS cpu used in the wrt54g wireless router. This binary may not support the proprietary Garmin protocol. This is suitable for use with openwrt and perhaps other linux-based firmware alternatives. If you use this, please let me know so I can figure out if I should update it.

PCA code for 417

Code for Russell S

Component identification

The video, viewable on-line, helps identify components.

OS9 Mac software.

Author: G. Dudek