Part 1: 2D Vision
- Introduction
- Image filtering
- Edge detection
- Least Squares Estimation: lines & vanishing points
- Robust Estimation: Hough & RANSAC
- Features 1: corners
- Image Registration (Lucas-Kanade)
- Scale space (Gaussian)
- Tracking using histogram
- Features 2: histograms (SIFT, HOG)
- Features 3: CNN's
- Object detection and localization
- Segmentation
Part 2: 3D Vision
- Linear perspective, Vanishing points
- Rotations, homogeneous coordinates
- Camera extrinsics and intrinsics
- Least Squares methods (eigenspaces, SVD)
- Camera Calibration
- Homographies: image stitching, rectification
- Stereo and Epipolar Geometry
- Stereo correspondence
- Photography
- RGBD Cameras